Effects of Biobehaviorally Assisted Relaxation Training on Blood Pressure and Hormone Levels and Their Variation in Normotensives and Essential Hypertensives

Autor: James T. Higgins, Angele McGrady, John W. TurnerJr., Thomas H. Fine
Rok vydání: 1990
Zdroj: Recent Research in Psychology ISBN: 9780387973487
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4613-9701-4_16
Popis: This paper reports on the effect of two relaxation-based treatment modalities, biofeedback-assisted (BF) relaxation and restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST) on the absolute levels and the variation of blood pressure, Cortisol, aldosterone and plasma renin activity in 18 hypertensives and 13 normotensives. Sixty-seven percent of both hypertensive groups achieved clinically significant blood pressure reductions across treatment. Decreases were also observed in the average levels of each hormone in all subgroups except normotensive BF. In some individuals the blood pressure changes were not associated with changes in hormone levels. Variation, reported as standard deviation, decreased across treatment for blood pressure, Cortisol and aldosterone in both hypertensive and normotensive REST subgroups. The BF subgroups showed no consistent changes. These results are discussed in the context of adrenocortical activity, volume regulation of blood pressure and cybernetic theory.
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