Protocols for assessing the distribution of pathogens in individual Hymenopteran pollinators

Autor: Tlak-Gajger I, Paxton Rj, de Miranda, Gajda A, G Smagghe, Özgör E, Onorati P, Yañez O, Laura Jara, I Meeus, Dalmon A, Nielsen A, Rúa PDl, N Piot, Neumann P
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: This protocol was developed for the COST-Action “Super-B”, whose purpose was to coordinate research, outreach and policy towards sustainable pollination1-3. The protocol addresses the detection of parasites and pathogens across bee species, as one of several possible drivers of bee decline4,5. It consists of four major components:1. A sample collecting protocol, based around a dominant bee species driving pathogen distribution among other bee species2. A sample processing protocol, based on analyzing nucleic acids from individual bees3. A pathogen detection protocol, based on RT-qPCR with broad-range primers for several common pathogens4. A barcoding protocol, for accurate bee species identification The protocols have largely been adapted from existing knowledge and protocols but also include two key innovations: the use of passive reference nucleic acids and synthetic positive controls, that significantly improve the quality and robustness of the raw data, and thus the reliability of the analyses and conclusions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE