Pain, emotion, and the situational specificity of catastrophising

Autor: Joyce L. D'Eon, Jacqueline A. Ellis
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Cognition & Emotion. 16:519-532
ISSN: 1464-0600
Popis: Two studies were designed to explore the cross-situational nature of catastrophising and the emotions associated with pain and catastrophising. The crosssituational consistency of catastrophising in response to a finger-pressure procedure and during an episode of headache pain was examined in the first study. The second study examined differences between catastrophisers and noncatastrophisers with respect to state and trait measures of positive and negative emotions. Results of study one indicated that almost half of the subjects remained consistent in their classification as catastrophiser or noncatastrophiser in both pain situations. The majority of subjects that switched classification changed from being classified as catastrophisers during the headache experience to noncatastrophisers during the finger-pressure procedure. Results of the second study indicated that catastrophisers experienced significantly greater fear, sadness, anger, hostility, guilt, disgust, and shame during the finger-pressure pro...
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