Extraction and Localization of Non-contaminated Alpha and Gamma Oscillations from EEG Signal Using Finite Impulse Response, Stationary Wavelet Transform, and Custom FIR

Autor: Nawel Jmail, Najmeddine Abdennour, Tarek Frikha, Abir Hadriche
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2018 ISBN: 9783030014209
Popis: The alpha and gamma oscillations derived from EEG signal are useful tools in recognizing a cognitive state and several cerebral disorders. However, there are undesirable artifacts that exist among the electrophysiological signals which lead to unreliable results in the extraction and localization of these accurate oscillations. We introduced, three filtering techniques based on Finite Impulse Response filters FIR, Stationary Wavelet transform SWT method and custom FIR filter to extract the non-contaminated (pure) oscillations and localize their responsible sources using the Independent Component Analysis ICA technique. In our obtained results, we compared the effectiveness of these filtering techniques in extracting and localizing of non-contaminated alpha and gamma oscillations. We proposed here the accurate technique for the extraction of pure alpha and oscillations. We also presented the accurate cortical region responsible of the generation of these oscillations.
Databáze: OpenAIRE