International Journal of Psychology: A Biopsychosocial Approach Open Journal Systems Žinynas Vartotojas Vartotojas Slaptažodis Atsiminti Pranešimai Rodymas Prenumeruoti Kalba ##plugins.block.languageToggle.selectLabel## Journal Content Paieška Search Scope Naršyti Numerius Autorius pavadinimui Žurnalus Šrifto dydis Make font size smaller Make font size default Make font size larger Informacija Skaitytojams Autoriams Bibliotekininkams Pradžia Apie žurnalą Prisijungti Registruotis Paieška Einamasis Archyvas Pranešimai Pradžia > Nr. 15 (2014) > Valiūnė INTERVENCIJŲ, PAREMTŲ KOGNITYVINE- ELGESIO TERAPIJA, EFEKTYVUMAS VAIKŲ IR PAAUGLIŲ PYKČIO IR AGRESYVAUS ELGESIO KONTROLEI. SISTEMINĖ LITERATŪROS ANALIZĖ

Autor: Dovilė Valiūnė
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: International Journal of Psychology : a Biopsychosocial Approach. 15:111-131
ISSN: 2345-024X
DOI: 10.7220/2345-024x.15.6
Popis: Problem. Aggressive behaviour and anger is frequent among school-aged children (Reyes at al., 2003). Adolescents’ inability to control their anger may be largely related with many problems at school (Humphrey, Brooks, 2006; Schwartz at al., 2006; Feindler, Engel, 2011). Thus, adolescents’ aggression and anger remains important research problem aiming to prevent consequences caused by anger and aggression (Fives at al., 2011). Many investigations analyzing the effect of interventions to anger and aggression have been performed. The results of meta-analyzes have shown that interventions based on cognitive-behaviour therapy are effective but most of the investigations did not analyze separately children’s and adolescents’ population; the difference between the measures of the effect of different interventions counted in various meta-analyzes was not researched; most summarized investigations are often older than fifteen years and most of them tend to have various evaluation and methodological shortcomings (Beck, Fernandedez, 1998, Bennet at al., 2000; Sukhodolsky, 2004; Saini, 2009, Feindler, Engel, 2011). Thus, a need to perform systematic analysis of the literature, encompassing the effectiveness of the cognitive- behaviour therapy based interventions, including most recent investigations, arises. The aim of the research is to carry out systematic analysis of the literature describing the investigations of the cognitive-behaviour therapy based interventions’ influence on children’s and adolescents’ anger and aggressive behaviour. The method applied in the research is systematic analysis of the literature. The results revealed that in most of the cases group interventions based on cognitive-behaviour therapy, disregarding their length, were effective in altering children’s and adolescents’ anger and aggressive behaviour subscales’ results. Nevertheless, some controversial results and methodological shortcomings were observed. In addition, the need to analyze environmental and personal variables for intervention effectiveness must be included.
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