Autor: K. M. Lomax, G. W. Malone, A. Chirnside, N. Gedamu
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 13:773-779
ISSN: 1943-7838
DOI: 10.13031/2013.21659
Popis: Soil nitrogen concentrations beneath the floors of 30 poultry houses were compared to evaluate factors which would correlate with the relative concentrations. Three soil borings, 1.5 m deep, inside of the houses were taken during both fall and spring conditions of soil moisture. Samples were analyzed for ammonia, nitrate, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and moisture content and results were reported as mg N per kg of dry soil. The overall mean values for each house were calculated for each floor type: loose soil, compacted soil, and concrete with polyethylene. The average nitrate concentrations were 245, 263, and 14 mg NO3-N/kg of dry soil, respectively. Other factors that related to a significant difference in nitrogen concentrations were age of the house and topography of the site. Factors not related to nitrogen variations in this study were drainage characteristics of the site, litter age, and depth to water table.
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