The genetic load in a northern marginal population of Drosophila subobscura

Autor: Diether Sperlich, Anssi Saura, Maija R.J. Kohonen-Corish, Juhani Lokki
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Hereditas. 102:255-258
ISSN: 0018-0661
DOI: 10.1111/j.1601-5223.1985.tb00624.x
Popis: Wild 0 chromosomes of Drosophila suhohsruru were isolated from three populations in southern Finland. The populations are on the northern margin of the distribution of the species. Lethal frequencies and viabllity effects of wild chromosomes were studied in homozygous and random heterozygous combinations. Thc percentage of chromosomes with lethals was 9.2 70 and with semilethals 10.5 70, These are the lightest loads reported for the species over its range of distrihution; the central populations may have loads about two and a half times heavier. The presence of a light load in a marginal population contmts to the high amount of enzyme polymorphism but agrees with the low amount of inversion polymorphism. Exact measurements of the load are important at the present stage of environmental pollution.
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