Céphalées et hémiplégies brutales d'origine non vasculaire: deux cas

Autor: E. Bertandeau, Alexandre Dakar, Jean-Marc Larrieu, Bruno Barroso
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: La Presse Médicale. 36:425-427
ISSN: 0755-4982
Popis: Summary Background Acute hemiplegia with headaches does not always have a vascular origin. Cases We describe two cases with headaches that included motor weakness symptoms. One patient had sporadic hemiplegic migraines. The second met the diagnosis criteria for a transient syndrome with headache, neurological deficits and cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis. Discussion These two case reports demonstrate the diagnostic difficulty that can be associated with acute motor weakness. A nonvascular origin should always be considered to prevent treatment errors, especially in the differential diagnosis of stroke.
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