Design of an S∕X dual-band dual-polarised microstrip antenna array for SAR applications

Autor: Y.M. Zhang, W. Wang, Sheng Zhong, Xinan Qu
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation. 1:513
ISSN: 1751-8725
DOI: 10.1049/iet-map:20060232
Popis: A novel design of dual-band dual-polarised microstrip antenna arrays for synthetic aperture radar applications with a frequency ratio of about 1:3 is presented. Stacked microstrip dipoles and square patches are used as the radiating elements at S- and X-bands, respectively. The microstrip dipoles are approximately coupled and the square patches are probe-fed. Experimental data show good agreement between simulated and measured results. The measured impedance bandwidth (VSWRles2) the prototype array reaches 8.9% and 17% for Sand X-bands, respectively, and the measured isolation between polarisations for both bands are better than -20 dB. The measured crosspolarisation level is les-26 dB for the S-band and les-31 dB for the X-band. The work verifies the practicability of the dual-band dual-polarised microstrip antenna array design, using the combination of microstrip dipoles and patches, and good bandwidth and isolation performance of the prototype array has been achieved
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