Action of Pentamethylenetetrazol (Metrazol) on Splanchnic Circulation of the Dog

Autor: A. R. Berger, J. Ernest Nadler
Rok vydání: 1938
Zdroj: Experimental Biology and Medicine. 38:381-383
ISSN: 1535-3699
DOI: 10.3181/00379727-38-9862
Popis: The analeptic drug pentamethylenetetrazol (Metrazol) used in the treatment of cardiovascular conditions has been reported1 to produce dilatation of the abdominal capillaries. Because of the extensive clinical use of this drug,2 it was felt desirable to restudy its action on the intact splanchnic vascular bed of the dog.For this study we used 23 female dogs, the average weight being 7 kg. The anesthetic employed was chloralosane—80 mg. per kg. injected intravenously. Blood pressure and respiration were recorded in the usual manner. Oncometers were placed on the spleen and small intestine or a loop of ileum was exteriorized and kept in a chamber containing normal saline at body temperature. The mesentery of this loop was transilluminated from below and the vessels were observed through a lens system whose magnifying power could be varied at will.Following a control period with observation on the blood vessels of an intestinal loop, the drug was injected intravenously as a 10% solution. The dosage ranged fro...
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