Investigating the Health Impacts of Plant-based Milk Ingredients: Additives and Oxalate

Autor: Majed AbuKhader, Salha Al Salti, Amal Al Lawatia
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research.
ISSN: 0976-0563
Popis: Background: Plant-based milk alternatives have become increasingly popular over the years and numerous commercial products are already available. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of additives in plant-based milk alternatives. In addition, the percentage of contribution of soymilk and almond milk towards the Recommended Daily (RDI) Intake of oxalate was also estimated. Methods: The ingredient labels in 81 plant-based milk alternatives were used to identify the type and frequency of use of additives. Moreover, the mean plant material content was also extracted from the ingredient labels and was used to estimate the percentage of contribution of plant-based milks (for soymilk and almond milk) towards the RDI of oxalate. Result: More than half of 81 plant-based milk alternatives contain additives among which 43 products (53.1%) contain thickening agents and 22 products (27.2%) contain emulsifiers. Additives were found more in soymilk (73.9%) followed by almond milk (60%). The percentage contribution of soymilk towards the RDI of oxalate was estimated to be higher than that for almond milk which was statistically significant (p less than 0.004). The outcome is valuable to the consumer as well as to the nutritionist to avoid excess consumption and exposure to additives and oxalate.
Databáze: OpenAIRE