Multilayer Security in Protecting and Hiding Multimedia Data using Cryptography and Steganography Techniques

Autor: Ananda Kumar K S, M N Sinchana, Deeraj Naidu, Shwetha L Jadav
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 4th International Conference on Recent Trends on Electronics, Information, Communication & Technology (RTEICT).
Popis: Secure data hiding using Cryptography and Steganography. Simply encrypting the data and transmitting it will cause suspension among the viewers so in this project to avoid such suspension, the data is embedded in to a picture and this innocent looking picture is transmitted. If the data is transmitted via image, it can be in BMP format, and if the data is sent through video, it can be in MPEG format, last but not the least, if the data is sent in audio, it can be in WAV format. To achieve this, we are using least significant bit technique and Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm. We provide two levels of security for any kind of secret or confidential messages. First level is, using cryptographic techniques and in the second level, using steganographic techniques. Multi-level security is provided to ensure the protection and security of data.
Databáze: OpenAIRE