Penthostola subnigrantis Groenen & Wangdi 2019, sp. nov

Autor: Groenen, Frans, Wangdi, Karma
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5928841
Popis: Penthostola subnigrantis, sp. nov. Figs. 22, 49 Holotype. ♂, Bhutan, Chhukha, Gedu, 26��55��14����N, 89��31��17����E, 2030 m, 5.viii.2016, sta. 8, C. Gielis, genitalia slide FG3334 (NBCS). Diagnosis. Penthostola subnigrantis is similar to P. nigrantis Kawabe, 1995 in colour and male genitalia. It differs from P. nigrantis in the rounded top of the gnathos, the group of spines at the costal prominence, and the longer spines at the ventral prominence of the valva. Description. Male. Head (Fig. 22): Vertex and scape of antenna grey-brown, labial palps ca. 2 times diameter of compound eye, second segment basally grey-brown, apically brown, third segment grey-brown. Thorax: Nota and tegulae grey-brown; forewing length 7 mm; forewing subrectangular, costa curved, termen oblique, dorsum straight. Ground colour brown, overlaid with black, a semi-ovoid costal spot from 2/5 to just before apex, mixed black and grey, at the basal margin of this spot a white dot, two blue-grey spots at middle of dorsum. Fringe concolourous with wing. Hindwings shiny brown-fuscous, darker apically. Fringe grey with a darker subbasal band. Abdomen: Genitalia (Fig. 49) with tegumen tall, uncus rudimentary, socii pendant and long haired, gnathos short with rounded top; valva slender, excavation large, a few short setae on innerside, sacculus simple with long setae, cucullus with basal, costal, and ventral prominences; at ventral prominence three long spines, along inner margin of this prominence a group of dense setae; costal prominence smaller with a group of ca. one-half length of three ventral spines; lobe of cucullus setose; phallus slender, slightly tapering, ca. as long as valve. Female unknown. Distribution. Bhutan. Etymology. The name subnigrantis refers to the close relationship with P. nigrantis.
Published as part of Groenen, Frans & Wangdi, Karma, 2019, The Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) of Bhutan, pp. 526-540 in Zootaxa 4658 (3) on page 532, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4658.3.5,
{"references":["Kawabe, A. (1995) Records and descriptions of the family Tortricidae (Lepidoptera) from Thailand, IV. Microlepidoptera of Thailand, 3, 49 - 62."]}
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