Multivariate Distances and Multivariate Classification Systems Using Non-Metric Traits in Biological Studies

Autor: M. Finnegan, R. M. Rubison
Rok vydání: 1984
Zdroj: Multivariate Statistical Methods in Physical Anthropology ISBN: 9789400963597
Popis: Multivariate statistical measures of biological distance utilizing non-metric traits on the human cranium was first explored by Berry and Berry (1967) utilizing the multivariate statistics developed by C.A.B. Smith and known as the Grewal-Smith statistic (Grewal, 1962). By 1975 attempts were being made in the classification of human crania by means of non-metric traits in order to assign one or some few individuals into a parent or larger group (SjOvold, 1975; Finnegan, 1975). However, these first attempts at classification utilized very cumbersome statistics (hypergeometric probabilities), and the methods had a high rate of mis-classification. The “tally” method (Anderson, 1968) was also utilized, but did not provide the accuracy in classification that Anderson had originally achieved.
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