Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Project-Based Learning to Acquire Competencies in Project Management

Autor: Catherin Girón Escobar, Diego Saavedra Agurto, Dante Arturo Martín Guerrero Chanduví, María del Carmen Barreto Pérez
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering ISBN: 9783319518589
Popis: The workplace is increasingly demanding when hiring professionals as project managers, with a certain professional competence development level specific to this area. Universities and professional training centres face the challenge of applying learning methodologies that will facilitate the development of such competences. The aim of this communication is to rigorously analyse the students learning process, through a mixed evaluation methodology (quantitative and qualitative) applied to project-based learning methods, on a course that combines PMI (Project Management Institute) and IPMA (International Project Management Association) models. At the beginning, a statistical analysis of the evaluations results (objective tests) was performed. Afterwards, and based on these results, a qualitative analysis of the reports content was completed. Based on the specialized bibliography, a categorization of the results was achieved, to assess the evidence of how students have improved those competences during the learning process. As a result, this research will allow a diagnosis of the learning methodologies applied and how they contribute to the acquisition of competences by the student.
Databáze: OpenAIRE