Methodological Approaches to Establishing the Component Profile of Dust Emissions from an Enterprise

Autor: I.V. May, S.Yu. Zagorodnov
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Ecology and Industry of Russia. 24:39-45
ISSN: 2413-6042
Popis: Proposed methodological approaches to constructing a component profile of dust mixtures of an industrial enterprise based on quantitative chemical analysis of solid emissions and a description of the morphology of particles. Examples of stable in component composition and structure of dusts emitted by sources of different industries are given, the operations of which can be considered as emission “profile”. The experience of using the emission profile in assessing the share contribution of a source to air pollution at a control point is described. The updated data on the dust profile of the emission make it possible to establish the contribution of the economic entity itself to the level of atmospheric air pollution in the territory, to identify priority emission sources, to reliably form a program for monitoring and control over special polluting substances.
Databáze: OpenAIRE