Laboratory Evaluation of Crack and Crevice Treatment for Control of Blatella germanica by Using Various Nozzle Types, Nozzle Heights, and Crack Widths12

Autor: Richard Price, Lawrence A. Roth, Miles Karner
Rok vydání: 1978
Zdroj: Journal of Economic Entomology. 71:105-106
ISSN: 1938-291X
Popis: Crack and crevice treatment was affected by nozzle type and nozzle height. Highest mortality of the German cockroach resulted when using crack and crevice nozzles inserted 4 mm inside the crack. As nozzle height increased, cockroach mortality decreased. There was no significant difference (5% level) between crack width and cockroach mortality. The fan nozzle was the least effective treatment.
Databáze: OpenAIRE