Anziani giovani tra activity e fragilità: sfide e risorse connesse all'allungamento della v

Autor: Stefania Giada Meda, Donatella Bramanti
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: SALUTE E SOCIETÀ. :135-153
ISSN: 1972-4845
DOI: 10.3280/ses2016-001010
Popis: Population ages, yet many older adults today enjoy good health conditions and continue playing an active role in their social networks and in society. At the same time, there is growing attention of researchers and policy makers, also in terms of prevention, about the older adults’ well-being as a protective factor against early withdrawal, physical and cognitive decline, social isolation. The purpose of this work is to present the results of an empirical research aimed at highlighting (a) the role that social and health services, (b) the use of PC and Internet for health-related issues and (c) the presence of support networks play in promoting and maintaining the well-being in the population of young-elderly Italians, suffering from chronic or long-term illness (with or without limitation) (N = 371). Statistical analyzes show that the relation between well-being, health and active aging is not unidirectional, that the perception of self as old has a significant impact on the well-being and self-perception is determined by health conditions. In general, the healthier the subjects, the more satisfied, more engaged in relational networks, more physically and culturally active and more predisposed to engage themselves in various fields of activity.
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