Stepwise-Crosslinking Reagents for Photocoupling of Enzymes and Lectins to Mammalian Cells

Autor: Patrick E. Guire, Alice Shan, Melvin J. Swanson
Rok vydání: 1979
Popis: Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the stepwise-crosslinking reagents for photo coupling of enzymes and lectins. The introduction of synthetic covalent bonds for the stabilization or fixing of functional molecular interactions and spatial distributions has been utilized in the study of molecular and supramolecular organization in biological systems. Some significant advantages of photochemical reactions for forming covalent bonds in biochemical systems have been recognized. The development of the photoaffinity-labeling technique has been made possible through the discovery and use of reagents that are stable in the dark in aqueous solution and subject to activation by visible or long-wavelength ultraviolet light to form very reactive species capable of forming covalent bonds with any organic molecular group containing bonds to carbon atoms. Bifunctional, thermophotochemical, stepwise-crosslinking reagents containing two covalent bond-forming groups with independent reactivities have been prepared in this laboratory. ANP and other photochemical, stepwise-crosslinking reagents are being synthesized and examined in the laboratory for utilization in the coupling of enzymes, lectins, hormones, and other proteins to receptor cells. The photochemical coupling capabilities to association-function studies have proved beneficial in cell biology.
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