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DOI: 10.4328/JCAM.10.2.13 Received: 08.09.2009 Accepted: 22.11.2009 Printed: 01.05.2010 J.Clin.Anal.Med. 2010;1(2): 9-14 Corresponding author: Tulin Ertan, Department of Endodontics, Turkish Naval Headquarters Infirmary, Ankara, Turkey. Phone: +090 312 4032411 E-mail: tedelibas@gmail.com Ozet Amac Bu calismanin amaci, hangi irrigasyon solusyon hangi kanal dolgu patiyla birlikte kullanilirsa en az mikrosizintinin olusacagini tespit etmektir. Gerec ve Yontemler Bu calisma icin 170 tek koklu maksiller ve mandibuler anterior insan disi secildi. Kok kanallari HERO-Shaper ile crown-down teknigi kullanilarak genisletildi ve % 5.25 NaOCl ile yikandi. Smear tabakasi 10 ml % 17 EDTA ile yikanarak kaldirildi. Ornekler her grup rastgele 10 disten olusacak sekilde 16 gruba (kanal dolgu maddeleri; Sealite-Ultra, Diaket, AH-Plus, Ketac-Endo and irrigasyon solusyonlari; NaOCl, %2 CHX, %1 CHX gel+NaOCl, % 1 CHX gel+SF), 5 disten olusacak sekilde 2 kontrol gruba bolundu ve lateral kondansasyon yontemiyle dolduruldu. Sivi transport metodu ile sizinti miktarlari hesaplandi ve kaydedildi. Daha sonra her gruptan 4 ornek secilip SEM (scanning electron microscope)’de incelendi. Bulgular En az sizinti Ketac-Endo ile %2 CHX solusyonunun birlikte kullanildigi uygulamada goruldu. Calismamizda kullanilan kok kanal dolgu patlari arasinda istatistiksel olarak onemli bir fark tespit edilmemis olup, irrigasyon solusyonlari arasinda ise NaOCl solusyonu %1 CHX Gel+SS ve %1 CHX Gel+NaOCl solusyonlarindan daha fazla sizintiya neden olmus ve aralarindaki fark istatistiksel olarak da anlamlidir. Sonuc Bu calisma sonucunda kullanilabilecek tum dolgu patlari icin en iyi yikama solusyonlarinin %1 CHX+SF ve %1 CHX+NaOCl olduklari gorulmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler Mikrosizinti, Sivi Transport Metodu, Irrigasyon Solusyonu, Kanal Dolgu Maddesi, Scanning Electron Microscope, Klorheksidin (CHX) Jel. Abstract Aim The aim of the study was to examine the sealing ability of a root-canal sealer using different endodontic irrigants and to measure the microleakage using a fluid transport model. Material and Methods 170 maxillary and mandibular anterior human teeth with single bilnded were selected for this study. The root canals were instrumented using the crown-down technique with HEROShaper and were irrigated with 5.25 % NaOCl. The smear layer was removed by washing in 10 ml of 17% EDTA. The specimens randomly divided into 16 groups (root-canal sealings; SealiteUltra, Diaket, AH-Plus, Ketac-Endo and irrigation solutions; NaOCl, 2 % CHX, 1% CHX gel+NaOCl, 1% CHX gel+SS ) of ten teeth and two control groups of five teeth and obturated by lateral condensation. In order to measure the microleakage, a fluid transport model was used and leakage value for each group was calculated and recorded. Four specimens from each group were used for SEM examinations (scanning electron microscopy). Results The best results are taken when Ketac-Endo with 2% CHX solution used. The results proved that there is no significant difference between root-canal sealers. As for irrigant solutions, NaOCl solution caused more microleakage than 1% CHX Gel+SS and 1% CHX Gel+NaOCl solutions and the results are statistically significant. Conclusion The study shows that the best irrigant solutions for all rootcanal sealers are 1% CHX+SS and 1% CHX+NaOCl. |