Bone Subdestructive Kryoapplicaton in the Experiment

Autor: Ivan I. Kuzhelivskiy, Grigoriy Vladimivorich Slizovskiy, Leonid Aleksandrovich Sitko
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Vestnik of Experimental and Clinical Surgery. 10:44-48
ISSN: 2409-143X
DOI: 10.18499/2070-478x-2017-10-1-44-48
Popis: Relevance. Trend of modern surgery in the implementation of new methods of treatment is to develop all phases of the proposed method of treatment in an experimental model. In this paper, comparative studies have been performed in laboratory animals, aimed at studying the bone tissue reaction at subdestruktion cryotherapy. Purpose. Identify the optimal exposure of the refrigerant to achieve kryoregenerative action ultralow temperatures. Materials and methods. An experimental study was conducted on rabbits "Chinchilla" by cryotherapy in the cavity osteoperforation with different exposure refrigerant (liquid nitrogen). After 10 days after the removal of the animal from an experiment conducted morphological study. Results. It was found that the exposure of 3 seconds is observed active regeneration, while kryoosteonekrosis observed during long-term exposure. The experimental results allow differentiated recommend them for use in clinical practice. Conclusion. Light microscopy kryoregeneration with a three-second exposure shows the refrigerant is very active calcification regenerate. Primary callus composed of fibrous tissue and retikulofibrosis. Reclaimed presented osteoblasts chain. The proposed regime is advisable to apply cryotherapy with degenerative diseases of the bone in order to increase osteoreparative properties of bone.
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