Effect of neutron irradiation on thermal diffusivity of tungsten–rhenium alloys

Autor: T. Tanabe, Masakazu Fujitsuka, Bun Tsuchiya, T. Shikama, I. Mutoh
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Journal of Nuclear Materials. :1148-1151
ISSN: 0022-3115
Popis: Thermal diffusivities of W–Re alloys were examined before and after neutron irradiation by a laser-flash method. W and W–Re alloys (up to 25 mass% Re) were irradiated in the Japan materials test reactor (JMTR) reactor at 330 K to thermal and fast neutron fluences of 1.03×1020 and 3.37×1019 (E > 1 MeV), respectively. After irradiation thermal diffusivities of W and W–5% Re decreased, while those of W–10% Re and 25% Re increased. In the unirradiated condition, though the diffusivities of W and W–5% Re decreased with an increase of temperature, those of W–10% Re and W–25% Re increased. These temperature dependencies were the same after the irradiation. After annealing at 973 K for 10 min, the thermal diffusivity was restored for W–5% Re at room temperature, while a difference still existed between those of the irradiated and unirradiated W and W–25% Re. The observed changes are discussed in terms of lattice constant measurements and precipitation behavior.
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