Exploring the experiences of healthcare professionals who work with survivors of sexual assault: A qualitative systematic review

Autor: McFadden, Sally, Groarke, Jenny, Graham-Wisener, Lisa, Lavelle, Mary
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/37sm5
Popis: This systematic qualitative review will be the first to synthesize the current literature base in the area of healthcare professionals who work directly with victim-survivors of sexual assault, particularly in relation to vicarious traumatization and vicarious growth. The objectives of this review are to describe the experiences of healthcare professionals, and to identify how they cope with the demands of their role with a view to aiding our understanding of which factors may facilitate adaptive coping so that organizations may better support staff working in this area, to improve staff retention and wellbeing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE