Distribución, abundancia y composición del Fitoplancton y condiciones ambientales en la cuenca Pacífica colombiana, durante enero-febrero de 2007

Autor: Ana María Galeano, Efraín Rodríguez Rubio, Edgar Arteaga Sogamosa
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Boletín Científico CCCP. 15:105-122
ISSN: 0121-3423
DOI: 10.26640/01213423.15.105_122
Popis: The results of the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative distribution of the phytoplankton emphasized in diatoms and dinoflagellates and environmental conditions observed in the Colombian Pacific basin between January and February of 2007 appear, during the development of Oceanographic Cruise PACIFIC XLIV-ERFEN XLII, in 25 stations and two depths of sampling (surface and 50m) are presented. A strong predominance in abundance of the diatoms appeared over the dinoflagellates ones. The values of abundance in diatoms at surface were between 456 and 1 109 888 cells L-1, whereas at 50 m they oscillated between the 740 and 143 008 cells L-1; for dinoflagellates the values were between the 95 to 2 071 cells L-1 in surface and between 19 and 435 cells L-1 for the 50 m depth. In diatoms, taxa predominant in abundance and frequency at both depths were Chaetoceros, Pseudo-nitzschia, Leptocylindrus and Cylindrotheca; for the dinoflagellates, taxa predominant in abundance and frequency at both depths were Oxytoxum and Gymnodinium. The environmental conditions were characterized still for the presence of the warm phase of the El Nino phenomena 2006-2007, and the seasonal characteristics related to upwelling events.
Databáze: OpenAIRE