The range-energy relation of nuclear emulsion studied on the ranges of secondary particles from well-known decays

Autor: M. Scharff, J. K. Bøggild, P. K. Aditya, J. E. Hooper, K. H. Hansen
Rok vydání: 1962
Zdroj: Il Nuovo Cimento. 26:305-335
ISSN: 1827-6121
DOI: 10.1007/bf02782168
Popis: The process of slo~Sng down of charged par t ic les in m a t t e r is s tudied p a r t l y because of the intr insic in teres t of the processes invo lved and p a r t l y because knowledge of this p h e n o m e n o n has become an i m p o r t a n t tool in exper imenta l nuc lear physics over a large range of ]particle energies. F o r a n y par t i cu la r subs tance , there exists :~n in te rva l of par t ic le veloci t ies in which the t heo ry of ener~'y loss is c o m p a r a t i v e l y s imple; ,,~iz., t h a t in which the ve loc i ty , v, is large comp:~red to all the e lectron velocit ies in the a toms of the subs tance and still so small t h a t poh~rization effects are negligible. A t such velocit ies, the Be the -Bloch t h e o r y is the re levan t t h e o r y of the specific ene rgy loss, dE~dR (1). Then dE~dR is g iven b y the fo rmula
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