A Case Study on Implementation of an Efficient and Cost-Effective Solar Power Generation System for Irrigation Purpose

Autor: G. Murugesan, K. S. Tamilselvan, S. Suthagar, G. Mageshkumar
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Advances in Greener Energy Technologies ISBN: 9789811542459
Popis: In present days, it is a great need and urgency for an alternate source for energy conservation. As the limitations of conventional energy are more such as availability, generation cost, and utilization, it is an urge to go for nonconventional energy. In non-conventional energy sources, solar plays a major role, particularly in countries like India as surplus solar energy is freely available. In this chapter, the authors present “an efficient and cost-effective solar power generation system for irrigation purpose.” The case study includes design, development, and implementation of insulated gate bipolar junction transistor (IGBT)-based solar energy conversion to run a three-phase motor for irrigation applications. The highlight of the design is the use of a minimum number of solar panels for the design. Solar power is effectively utilized to run the motor with the help of specially designed drives. Sufficient protection and security are also provided. The proposed design uses a 1.8 kW solar panel for 3 HP power rating motor. Three different control stages are used in the design, namely pulse width modulator (PWM) stage, variable frequency drive (VFD) stage that is voltage to frequency converter and maximum power point tracking (MPPT). The control techniques are provided by using a high-speed processor. The authors designed and fabricated the solar power system and verified the performance. A three-phase induction motor was successfully run from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm with normal sunlight. Running status of the motor including ON/OFF status, water throughput, load current, frequency, and voltage are informed to the farmer with the help of GSM module. This chapter provides an efficient and economically viable solution for farmers.
Databáze: OpenAIRE