Democratizing Conversations: Racialized Talk in a Post-Desegregated Middle School

Autor: Katherine Schultz, Tricia Niesz, Patricia Buck
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: American Educational Research Journal. 37:33-65
ISSN: 1935-1011
DOI: 10.3102/00028312037001033
Popis: Drawn from a qualitative study of students' experiences of race and race relations at a post-desegregated middle school, this article describes two distinctive kinds of conversations about race in a multiracial context. In the first type of discussion, which we refer to as "bridging talk," students used multiple strategies to build unity across differences. In the second type, students discursively created borders and conflict. We see promises and challenges in each type of discussion and offer a third form for consideration, democratic conversations. We suggest that educators hold conversations that explicitly address the power dynamics inherent in such conversations and teach the conceptual tools and language to identify these dynamics. Further, we argue that these conversations must begin among adults––in teacher education programs, and in schools. In order to educate children to participate in a democratic and pluralistic culture, we need to engage them in conversations about race and power in their daily lives. We have concluded that although these conversations across racial lines are sometimes threatening and difficult, they are a critical component of democratic education.
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