The Patient Experience as Rated By Consumers

Autor: Barbara Jean Kelley
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.22371/07.2015.013
Popis: The purpose of this research project is to identify the key drivers in patients’ satisfaction. Specifically, the factors that patients consider when assigning a numeric rating (0-10) to their overall hospital stay. The overall satisfaction question is significant because it is considered to be the “top box” question. The top box question is the patientrated experience measure reported to Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) in determining the compensation a facility receives for reimbursement in the Value Based Purchasing model. The results of this study have a financial implication for healthcare, as well as in the delivery of quality and compassionate care. This qualitative study used semi-structured phone interviews to identify key factors participants considered when assigning the overall rating of their hospital stay. Data were analyzed using the following steps; immersion, understanding, abstraction, synthesis and theme development, illumination and illustration of the phenomena, and integration and critique (Ajjawi & Higgs, 2007). Ultimately the data were able to be consolidated into four major themes, 1) human interaction, 2) caring behaviors, 3) hospital accommodations and procedures, and 4) transition to home. The findings indicated patients most frequently placed the most significance on the human interactions and caring behaviors when asked about the influences on the overall hospital stay. The findings of this study are significant not only for those already in the healthcare field, but for academic institutions and curriculums, who struggle with finding the right person for the job. The results show us it is not only the academic knowledge that is important, but the human factor of caring and interpersonal skills that makes a qualified healthcare provider. The results of the study, raises the question, “Is healthcare a profession or a calling?” Can compassion and empathy be taught and learned, or is it innate? All of these questions will need to be explored further in order to provide the care and compassion that is demanded from our consumers, the patients. DEDICATION PAGE I want to begin by recognizing and thanking my dissertation committee, Dr. Linda Urden, Dr. Cynthia Connelly, and Dr. Lori Burnell. First I would like to thank my chair Dr. Linda Urden for guiding me on this long journey, and understanding each time that “life” slowed me down. Dr. Cynthia Connelly helped to guide me down the path I am now ending, ensuring me from the beginning what I was capable of doing. Last but certainly not least, Dr. Lori Burnell, who gave me endless opportunities, guidance, and mentorship over the past 10 years. I was privileged to work for Lori, with her, and beside her, I am continually inspired by her professionally and spiritually each day. She has guided and supported me through many lessons that I will pass on to others, including the leap into leadership. A special thanks to Dr. Donna Agan for acting as my bridge between statistics and reality, her individualized teaching methods, helped me feel not so ill-equipped, as I believe I actually might have been. I want to thank my parents for their support, even when they did not understand what I was doing or why I was still in school at the age of 40. And my Aunt Wendy, for pushing me and telling me to keep on going, and to never stop learning. I am thankful for the tolerance and forgiveness of my family, which cannot be captured in words. Carlos Jr, Brianna, Bianka, Cameron, and Addison. Each of you are forever my driving forces in making the world a better place for you all. Everything I do is with consideration of your futures in this world.
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