The Effect of Electromagnetic Wave on Bees Behaviour

Autor: Zuhani Ismail Khan, Mohamad Fahmi Hussin, Norfarhana Abd Razak, Nur Emileen Abd Rashid, Siti Amalina Enche Ab Rahim, Mohd Syuairi Mohd Abkahalisatul
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 2021 IEEE 12th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC).
Popis: This paper presents the effect of electromagnetic waves on the behavior of bees towards different frequencies and power transmission. The problem arise due to the appearance of a swarm of bees commonly known as Tualang bees or scientifically named as Apis Dorsata at Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA 2) since a new radar was installed at the premise. This research was conducted for two different types of bees which is Apis Cerana that has similar behaviour to Apis Dorsata and other species known as Stingless bees. The measurement was conducted using a signal generator and Yagi-Uda antenna. The frequency emitted is based on the similar range of frequency emitted by the radar installed at the airport. Each frequency and power data runs within five minutes interval and the bees' movement were observed. Apis Cerana showed a change in behavior and became very passive at a certain level of frequencies and power emitted while stingless bees did not show any changes and remain active throughout the measurement. This researched is conducted under the Animal Welfare Act 2015 (Act 772).
Databáze: OpenAIRE