Power processing requirements for solar electric propulsion

Autor: Ε. N. Costogue, T. W. Macie
Rok vydání: 1971
Zdroj: 1971 IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference.
DOI: 10.1109/pesc.1971.7069131
Popis: The successful integration of a light-weight, high-efficiency power conditioning (PC) unit with an electron bombardment ion thruster using a hollow cathode at JPL has been reported recently. This paper summarizes the presently conceived requirements by which the next generation of PCs should be judged and evaluated. The requirements are formulated in terms of a deep space mission, which implies that the characteristics of the solar source will vary in terms of output power and output voltage. The requirements identified by practical experience during long-term evaluation between 1968-1970 are described and explained.
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