On minimal connectivity requirements for secure message transmission in directed networks

Autor: Chiranjeevi Vanarasa, Ravi Kishore, Srinathan Kannan
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Information Processing Letters. 131:1-6
ISSN: 0020-0190
DOI: 10.1016/j.ipl.2017.11.001
Popis: In a synchronous distributed network of n nodes, the goal of a Secure Message Transmission (SMT) protocol is to securely deliver the sender's message at the receiver's end in the presence of a computationally unbounded adversary that can partially control the network by corrupting some of its nodes (except the sender and the receiver). In a network modelled as a directed graph, to achieve unconditional security tolerating t b Byzantine faults, it is known that: (1) if all the paths are one-way connected from the sender to the receiver – called as forward channels – then 2 t b + 1 vertex-disjoint forward channels are necessary and sufficient (2) for 1 ≤ u ≤ t b , if there exist 2 t b + 1 − u vertex-disjoint forward channels then u vertex-disjoint paths from the receiver to the sender – known as feedback channels – are necessary and sufficient. Moreover, similar characterization exists for tolerating mixed faults – up to t f fail-stop faults in addition to t p passive faults. We notice that these results characterized the networks by studying the required number of extra vertex-disjoint feedback channels, conditioned on the existence of a certain number of forward channels. In this work, we give a generic characterization without attaching any such if condition. Specifically, we answer the following questions. In a given directed graph, that is abstracted as a collection of strong paths from S to R and R to S , under what conditions is SMT (im)possible tolerating: (1) up to t p passive faults?, (2) mixed faults – up to t f fail-stop faults in addition to t p passive faults?, and (3) up to t b Byzantine faults? Also, for each of these three problems, we explicitly show that there are networks in which SMT protocols exist whereas the existing results do not characterize such networks.
Databáze: OpenAIRE