The First Subsea Completion by an Operator in KN Field, Offshore Malaysia

Autor: Maharon Bin Jadid, Khairul Azmi Mahadi, M. Izzat M. Nizam, C. Ogbonna
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: All Days.
Popis: Abstract The KN field in KM cluster is located approximately 200km offshore, at water depths ranging from 59–102m. The field is part of the KM Cluster Integrated Development Plan, where the primary objective for KN field development is to recover the reserve from fringing pinnacle reef carbonate reservoir, expected to be achieved through two deviated 7-inch open-hole monobore subsea wells. KN field is expected to deliver around 200 to 300 MMSCF/day to the LNG plant to help relieve an anticipated gas shortage, as such failure to deliver the target would definitely upset the gas supply. Besides cost savings, the shallow water subsea development concept is part of the company's long-term vision to train its staff with new technologies and prepare them with basic guidelines for future development especially in deepwater. Although this is already considered a norm in other parts of the world, subsea completion is relatively a new experience in the company operation. The open-hole sections were drilled using Potassium/Sodium formate fluids with calcium carbonate as weighting and bridging agent and later the wells were completed with Cessium formate. Based on extensive laboratory test, it was found that this formate fluids allow for thin mud filter cake that can be remove effectively with differential pressure alone, excluding the need for filter cake breaker. High rate acidizing was planned as contingency should the wells failed to deliver the targeted well deliverabilities. Based on transient simulation using OLGA, high rate clean-up were planned to ensure effective filter cake break-up, removing debris and confirming the technical potential of the wells. With high rate, the duration of well clean-up is shorter and effective thus saving rig time. This paper details the planning and execution towards achieving the successful project of KN field, the 1st subsea development in the company
Databáze: OpenAIRE