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The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument to assess the sport spectators’ motives to watch sporting events. The sample group was composed of 415 students who were sampled through convenient sampling method. Initially, a literature review was done in the scale development process. Then, a semi-constructed qualitative interview was conducted with 12 groups (n=75). Based upon the data an item pool was formed and expert views were obtained accordingly. A pool with 113 items, in light of the feedbacks, was eventually reached ready. The items were divided into two groups. External factors were composed of 48 items and internal factors group included 65 items. According to the exploratory factor analysis, which was conducted for the 48 items composing the External Motivations for Sport Spectators Scale, 34 items were grouped under 9 factors which had eigenvalues over 1. The Cronbach’s Alpha value for the total scale was .92. In the analysis of the Internal Motivations for Sport Spectators Scale, which was composed of 65 items, 40 items were grouped under 7 factors which had eigenvalues over 1. The Cronbach’s Alpha value of the total scale was .96. In conclusion, “External Motivations Scale for Sport Spectators (EMSSS)” and “Internal Motivations Scale for Sport Spectators (IMSSS)” were found to be a valid and reliable instrument. Ozet Bu calismanin amaci spor seyircilerinin spor musabakalarini seyretme gudulerini belirlemek icin kullanilacak bir olcum araci gelistirmektir. Arastirmaninin orneklem grubu ulasilabilir orneklem yolu ile secilen 415 ogrenciden olusmustur. Olceklerin gelistirilme surecinde oncelikle literatur taramasi gerceklestirilmistir. Sonrasinda 12 grupla (n=75) yari yapilandirilmis nitel gorusme yapilmistir. Edinilen bilgilere gore madde havuzu olusturulmustur ve uzman gorusleri alinmistir. Gelen donutlerle madde havuzu 113 maddeli olarak hazirlanmistir. Maddeler icsel ve dissal faktorler olarak gruplara ayrilmistir. Dissal faktorler 48, icsel faktorler ise 65 maddeden olusmustur. Aciklayici Faktor Analizi’nin kullanildigi Seyirciler Icin Dissal Faktorler Olcegi icin test edilen 48 maddeden 34’unun oz degerinin 1’den buyuk dokuz faktor altinda toplandigi gorulmustur. Toplam olcegin Cronbach Alpha ic tutarlilik degeri α=0,92 olarak bulunmustur. Seyirciler Icin Icsel faktorler Olcegi icin ise analize alinan 65 maddeden 40’inin oz degerinin 1’den buyuk yedi faktor altinda toplandigi belirlenmistir. Toplam olcegin Cronbach Alpha ic tutarlilik degerleri ise α=0,96’dir. Sonuc olarak “Spor Seyircileri Icin Dissal Gudu Olcegi (SSIDGO)” ve “Spor Seyircileri Icin Icsel Gudu Olcegi (SSIIGO)”nin yapilan analizler dogrultusunda gecerli ve guvenilir oldugu kabul edilmistir. |