Hydrogen-acceptor interactions in diamond

Autor: Dominique Ballutaud, Alain Deneuville, J. Chevallier, Etienne Gheeraert, François Jomard, B. Theys, Etienne Bustarret, Alain Lusson, Mathieu Bernard
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Diamond and Related Materials. 10:399-404
ISSN: 0925-9635
Popis: Hydrogen-acceptor interactions are investigated in boron-doped diamond through deuterium diffusion experiments followed by SIMS measurements and through infrared absorption spectroscopy. From deuterium diffusion, we show that BD interactions can be properly demonstrated in low compensation B-doped homoepitaxial layers. However, the presence of defects in such layers strongly affects this interaction. The degree of passivation of boron acceptors by deuterium depends on the diffusion temperature. At 550°C or below, the B and D concentrations exactly match giving rise to a complete disappearance of the absorption bands related to the electronic transitions of neutral boron acceptors. Under thermal annealing above 500°C, (B,D) pairs dissociate and neutral boron acceptors recover. At deuterium diffusion temperatures of 700°C, the B passivation is absent.
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