Architecture of IoT System for Smart Monitoring and Management of Traffic Noise

Autor: Goran Jausevac, Milan Malić, Željko Stojanov, Vladimir Brtka, Gordana Jotanovic, Dalibor Dobrilovic
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 5th EAI International Conference on Management of Manufacturing Systems ISBN: 9783030672409
Popis: One of the characteristics of the modern world is the rapid growth of the human population. This population growth is strongly connected with the growth of urban communities. As a result, the world is facing a problem with the increase in air and noise pollution mainly in cities, which is largely caused by road traffic. Numerous discussions are currently underway to define optimal routes for the special conditions of important traffic corridors in the Republic of Serbia. In particular, discussing the problems of their position in the vicinity of urban areas, hospitals, kindergartens, schools, cultural monuments, etc. The rapid development of wireless technologies facilitates the development and implementation of IoT (Internet of Things) systems in Smart cities. A model of IoT system designed for monitoring the noise in the cities caused by the traffic is presented in this paper. The collected data are used for routing the traffic to reduce noise in sensitive parts of the city. The system used LoRaWAN, one of the most applied Low-Power Wide Area Network (LP-WAN) technologies. The system architecture is based on micro-services and MQTT protocol. Besides the system model, the variations of the Dijkstra shortest path algorithm are used to calculate alternative routes for navigating vehicles. The system model is presented by the widely accepted IoT-layered system architecture.
Databáze: OpenAIRE