Federatia Rusa - Factor Declansator Al Europenizarii PESC? (The Russian Federation - Triggering Factor for the Europeanization of CFSP?)

Autor: Ana-Maria Costea (Ghimis)
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: SSRN Electronic Journal.
ISSN: 1556-5068
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2713414
Popis: Romanian Abstract: Uniunea Europeana este un actor global prin caracterul geografic al intereselor statelor membre. Cu toate acestea, politica externa a Uniunii ramane un capitol vulnerabil in ceea ce priveste puterea politica a UE de a-si proiecta interesele la nivel international intr-o maniera unitara. Acest caracter global al puterii organizatiei este limitat la a fi un deziderat strategic, având in vedere dinamicile din Europa estica si relatia ineficienta a organizatiei cu Rusia. Prezentul articol isi propune analizarea dinamicilor regionale in ceea ce priveste eficienta politicii externe a UE vis-a-vis de Federatia Rusa din prisma europenizarii PESC, avand ca studiu de caz razboiul din Georgia si criza actuala din Ucraina. Abordarea conceptuala este cu atat mai importanta, cu cat ea reliefeaza procesul decizional din interiorul UE, evidentiind vulnerabilitatile si oportunitatile de care UE trebuie sa tina cont in construirea gigantului politic al unei puteri globale.English Abstract: The European Union is a global actor if we take into consideration the geographical reach of its Member States' national interests. At the same time, the Union's foreign affairs policy remains a vulnerable chapter in what regards the EU's political power projection at international level in an unitary manner. This global character is rather limited to being a strategic desideratum, taking into consideration the dynamics from Eastern Europe and the impercipient relationship between it and Russia. The present article analyses the regional dynamics regarding the efficiency of the EU's external policy vis-a-vis the Russian Federation from the CFSP's Europeanization perspective, having as a case study the Georgian war and the current Ukrainian crisis. The conceptual approach reflects the EU's internal decisional process, highlighting the vulnerabilities and the opportunities that have to be taken into account by the EU constructing the political giant of a global world.
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