Mitigation strategies of air pollution: case studies of China and the United States from a consumption perspective

Autor: Yuqing Jiang, Xu Tang, Xiaorong Zhao, Mikael Höök
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Environmental Science & Policy. 128:24-34
ISSN: 1462-9011
Popis: Sino-US trade has been widely analyzed in academic circles as a typical case of bilateral trade. However, the structural pathways by which the US final demand contributes to Chinese air pollution emissions have not been well quantified and analyzed. This study combines an environmental extended multi-regional input-output (EEMRIO) analysis with structural path analysis (SPA) to analyze the evolution and structural patterns of PM2.5 emissions in China caused by 1764 types of final demand products in the US. It was found that the average annual growth rate of PM2.5 emissions in China due to the US final demand was 4.83% during 1995–2015. The results showed that before the global financial crisis, the embodied PM2.5 emissions in Nonmetal mineral products exported from China to the US were continuously decreasing, while embodied PM2.5 exports in Machinery and equipment were rapidly increasing. The direct impact of American demand on China was weakened, with its share dropped by more than half to 3.94%, but the indirect impact remained steady. The embodied PM2.5 emissions were also found to be gradually transitioning from the first production layer to the second and third, which relates to China's domestic economic development demand and environmental regulatory requirements. The maximum emission pathways for the major demand categories were identified, with emissions concentrated to Metallurgy and products and Sea transportation services. China should focus on specific industrial paths, implement comprehensive treatment of upstream and downstream, and achieve a low-emission industrial chain throughout the whole process to effectively reduce PM2.5 emissions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE