Phenology of Western Olivaceous WarblerHippolais opacaand Eastern Olivaceous WarblerHippolais pallida reiserion stopover sites in Mauritania

Autor: Marc Herremans, Volker Salewski
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Ringing & Migration. 23:15-20
ISSN: 2159-8355
DOI: 10.1080/03078698.2006.9674339
Popis: Due to the problems of identifying the recently‐split Western Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais opaca and Eastern Olivaceous Warbler H pallida reiseri in the field, the migration phenology, passage routes and wintering areas of the two species remain unknown. Both species were mist‐netted regularly during autumn and spring migration on Mauritania and the migration phenology of the species in the western Sahara is described here for the first time. Autumn migration of Western Olivaceous Warblers through central Mauritania lasts from early August to early October. Passage at the coast started later and occurred during a shorter time period. The species does not seem to winter in central Mauritania. During spring migration, Western Olivaceous Warblers occurred from early March to early May. No birds were mist‐netted in spring at the coast although some were present. The Eastern Olivaceous Warblerwas mist‐netted at the inland sites only. Only a few birds were mist‐netted on autumn migration, which was between late...
Databáze: OpenAIRE