Mixing of pseudoscalar-baryon and vector-baryon in theJP=1/2−sector and theN*(1535) andN*(1650) resonances

Autor: E. Oset, E. J. Garzon
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Physical Review C. 91
ISSN: 1089-490X
DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.91.025201
Popis: We study the meson-baryon interaction with J P = 1/2 using the hidden-gauge Lagrangians and mixing pseudoscalar meson-baryon with the vector meson-baryon states in a coupled channels scheme withN, �N, K�, K�, �N and �� (d-wave). We fit the subtraction constants of each channel to the S11 partial wave amplitude of theN scattering data extracted from experimental data. We find two poles that we associate to the N � (1535) and the N � (1650) resonances and show that the subtraction constants are all negative and of natural size. We calculate the branching ratios for the different channels of each resonance and we find a good agreement with the experimental data. The cross section for thep ! �n scattering is also evaluated and compared with experiment.
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