Productivity and Economics of Pigeonpea Genotypes as Influenced by Planting Geometry, Growth Retardant

Autor: Ganajaxi Math, M.S. Venkatesh, Gurupada Balol, S.B. Revanappa
Rok vydání: 2021
ISSN: 0976-0571
DOI: 10.18805/lr-4430
Popis: Background: In pigeonpea, nipping is a common process which induces sprouting of secondary and tertiary branches and increases the number of pods/plant. Nipping is tedious process and requires more number of labours. Hence, it is advised to use growth retardant for better source- sink relationship and better fruit retention in pigeonpea. Chlormequat Chloride is well known growth retardant and is quickly metabolized by plants, animals and soil microbes compared to other growth retardants. Current study was planned to know the effect of growth retardants and planting geometry on yield and economics of pigeonpea genotypes.Methods: Experiment conducted during 2014-2015, comprised of twelve treatments and laid out in split-split plot design with three replications. Treatments were comprised of two genotypes [BSMR-736 and TS-3(R)], three planting geometry (90 x 20 cm, 120 x 20 cm and 150 x 20 cm) and three nipping practices (without nipping, with nipping and growth retardant chlormequat chloride spray @3ml/l). Result: Pooled data of two years indicated that planting geometry of 120 x 20 cm was significantly higher in grain yield (2408 kg/ha) over others. Spraying of growth retardant chlormequot chloride recorded the highest yield (2368 kg/ha) over nipping at 50 DAS (2138 kg/ha) and without nipping (2091 kg/ha). Net returns and B:C ratio were obtained significantly at highest level with the planting of BSMR-736 genotype at 120 x 20 cm along with spraying of chlormequot chloride at 70 DAS. Phosphatase and dehydrogenase activities were un-affected by the spray of chloromequat chloride.
Databáze: OpenAIRE