Study on the Aerodynamic Performance and Internal-External Flow Interaction Effects of Distributed Ducted Fan in the Climbing-Condition

Autor: Peng Xiang Liang, Zhuo Qi Wang, Wei Yuan, Tian Yu Gong
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 1081:012027
ISSN: 1757-899X
Popis: Distributed electric propulsion ducted fans play an important role in saving energy and reducing environmental pollution of the airplanes. In this research, unsteady RANS CFD numerical simulations were used to analyse the possible impact of aerodynamic performance and interaction effects of distributed ducted fan in the climbing condition, which is verified with experimental method. Firstly, this paper will explore the effect of internal/external flow interaction on the flow field of the propulsion system at the same time. Secondly, from the perspective of propulsion efficiency and energy consumption, this paper will find the thrust relationship between the maximum continuous working state and the maximum working state and study the performance of the ducted fan. This paper will aim to reduce energy consumption during the propulsion of ducted fans and obtain longer flight time, and find a balance point between power and propulsion efficiency. The results show that the maximum continuous working state is 85% of the maximum thrust state approximately. By combining the aerodynamic interaction phenomena with the aerodynamic performance of the distributed ducted fan, this research provides an important basis and advice for enhancing the flight time of distributed ducted fans and reducing energy consumption during the process of engineering and flow mechanisms.
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