Zhengitettix convexa Chen & Deng 2022, sp. nov

Autor: Chen, Ya-Zhen, Deng, Wei-An
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6637257
Popis: 1. Zhengitettix convexa Deng, sp. nov. (Figures 1–2) Description. Female. Small size, short, body surface smooth and interspersed with granules. Head. Head and eyes distinctly exserted above pronotal surface (Fig. 1a). Vertex very narrow, in dorsal view, width of vertex between eyes 0.5–0.6 times width of compound eye (Fig. 1c); a little narrower in front, more or less triangular in shape; anterior margin of fastigium not surpassing anterior margin of eye; median carina entire; lateral margins turned backward; vertex uneven with paired fossulae. In lateral view, frontal costa not visible between eyes (Fig. 1d), protruded anteriorly and broadly rounded between antennal grooves. In frontal view, vertex distinctly concave between lateral margin and median carina; frontal costa bifurcated above lateral ocelli, longitudinal furrow divergent between antennae, width of longitudinal furrow of frontal ridge very narrower than antennal groove diameter (Fig. 1e). Antennae short, filiform, antennal grooves inserted below inferior margins of compound eyes, 15-segmented, the 9th and 10th segment are the longest, about 5–6 times longer than its width. Eyes globose, lateral (paired) ocelli located in slightly below the middle of compound eye height. Thorax. Pronotal surface smooth and interspersed with dense granules (Fig. 1b). In dorsal view, anterior margin of pronotum truncate and slightly concave in middle; lateral carinae of prozona parallel; median carina entire; humeral angles obtuse; disc of pronotum slightly convex between shoulders and interspersed with sparse carinae on the protuberance, slightly concave behind shoulders; hind pronotal process narrow and long cone-shaped, reaching one half to apex of hind tibia and its apex narrowly rounded. In profile, median carina of pronotum undulate before shoulders and straight behind shoulders. Lateral lobes of pronotum turning outwardly, posterior angles directed distinctly transversely, apex of posterior angles acute and with short spines. Posterior margins of lateral lobes of pronotum with ventral sinus and tegminal (upper) sinus. Tegmina long, ovate, apex rounded. Hind wings reaching apex of hind pronotal process. Legs. Fore and middle femora carinated, margins finely serrated, ventral margins slightly undulated (Fig. 2a–b); middle femur slightly narrower than visible part of tegmen in width. Hind femora robust and short, 3.2 times as long as wide; with carinae and margins finely serrated (Fig. 2c); antegenicular denticles acute and genicular denticles right angled. Outer side of hind tibia with 5–6 spines, inner side with 4–5 spines (Fig. 2d). First segment of posterior tarsi equal to third in length, three pulvilli of first segment of posterior tarsi increased in turn, apices of all pulvilli right angled (Fig. 2e). Abdomen. Ovipositor narrow and long, length of upper valvulae 4.2 times its width, upper and lower valvulae with slender saw-like teeth. Length of subgenital plate nearly equal to its width, middle of posterior margin of subgenital plate triangular projecting (Fig. 2f). Coloration. Body yellowish-brown or dark brown. Frons dark brown or black. Hind wings black. Fore and middle femora and tibia each with two dark transverse spots. Hind femora brown (outer side with two inconspicuous blackish spots in some individuals) and lower outer side black. Hind tibiae dark brown, with two light rings in the middle. Sternites of thorax and abdomen black, subgenital plate yellowish-brown. Male. Similar to female, but smaller and narrower (Fig. 2g –h). Width of vertex between eyes 0.5 times width of compound eye (Fig. 2g); middle femur equal to or slightly wider than visible part of tegmen in width. Subgenital plate short, cone-shaped, apex bifurcated. Measurements (mm). Length of body: ♂ 7.5–8.0, ♀ 10.2–11.0; length of pronotum: ♂ 10.5–11.0, ♀ 12.0–12.5; length of hind femur: ♂ 5.4–6.0, ♀ 6.0–6.5. Type material. Holotype: ♀, China, Yunnan prov., Fugong (Yueliangshan), 27°9ʹ34ʹʹ N, 98°52ʹ29ʹʹ E, 1300 m alt., 15 June 2019, collected by Wei-An Deng, CLSGNU. Paratypes. 3♂, 7♀, same data, CLSGNU. Diagnosis. This new species can be easily distinguished from other species of the genus by disc of pronotum slightly convex between shoulders and interspersed with sparse carinae on the protuberance, slightly concave behind shoulders. This new species is similar to Zhengitettix fengyangshana sp. nov. from which it differs in antennal grooves inserted below inferior margins of compound eyes (antennal grooves inserted between inferior margins of compound eyes in Zhengitettix fengyangshana); in dorsal view, disc of pronotum slightly convex between shoulders and interspersed with sparse carinae on the protuberance, slightly concave behind shoulders (in dorsal view, disc of pronotum flat between shoulders and with a pair of interhumeral carinae in Zhengitettix fengyangshana); ventral margins of middle femora slightly undulated (ventral margins of middle femora straight in Zhengitettix fengyangshana). Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from “ convexa ”, meaning disc of pronotum slightly convex between shoulders Distribution. P. R. CHINA: Yunnan.
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