Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.21267/aquilo.2020.71.63607
Popis: Статья посвящена изучению одной из важных проблем научного наследия сэра Герберта Баттерфильда. Цель продемонстрировать особенности его взглядов на международные отношения и специфику его участия в работе Британского комитета по изучению международной политики. История международных отношений, с точки зрения историка, представляла комплекс определенных идей, и среди них ведущее место занимал баланс сил. С точки зрения ученого, опыт исторического изучения европейского баланса сил мог бы помочь избежать новых мировых войн.
This article is devoted to one of the important problems of the scientific heritage by Sir Herbert Butterfield. The aim of the article is to demonstrate the features his views on International Relations and to show the specific of his participation in the work of British Committee of International Politics. History of International relations, from his points of view, represented a complex of certain ideas. Balance of power takes the central role among them. Lessons of the study balance of power in modern time gave him opportunity to divide historical and modern diplomacy. Experience of the historical study of the balance of power in Europe could help avoid new world wars for modern diplomacy from his point of view. At the same time, Herbert Butterfield spoke out against an extended interpretation of some historical ideas in his early works. The result of this position by the historian was the loss of interest to wide interdisciplinary study of International relations in 1970.
Диалог со временем, Выпуск 71 2020
Databáze: OpenAIRE