The crystal structure of ferrocarpholite

Autor: E. J. W. Moore, W. L. Korst, H. J. van der Plas, C. H. MacGillavry
Rok vydání: 1956
Zdroj: Acta Crystallographica. 9:773-776
ISSN: 0365-110X
DOI: 10.1107/s0365110x56002126
Popis: Ferrocarpholi te was described as a new mineral by De Roever (1951), who isolated it from rocks collected during the Celebes expedit ion 1929 of the Nether lands Geological Survey, under the leadership of Prof. H. A. Brouwer. Rota t ion diagrams of ferrocarpholite and carpholite proper from Wippra showed tha t the two are isomorphous (De Roever, 1951). The ext remely fibrous character of carpholite, and the length of its fibre period, 5.3 A, led Strunz (1938) to suppose tha t carpholite has a chain structure related to tha t of the pyroxenes, and tha t its fo rmula should be wri t ten (Mn, Fe)A12(OH)4Si~Oe, a classification which has since been accepted in most mineralogy handbooks. The proof, of course, is not conclusive as i t stands. Moreover, since the pyroxenes themselves do not contain OH groups it was thought worth while to make a full s tructure determinat ion.
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