Subjective Assessment of Satisfaction Degree and Psychosocial Status of Patients with Highly Atrophic Mandible Treated by Implant-retained Over-denture

Autor: Wijdan R. El Manaseer, K. D. Jamani, Firas Al Soleihat, Salah A. Al Omoush
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Medico-Legal Update.
ISSN: 0974-1283
DOI: 10.37506/mlu.v21i1.2429
Popis: This study aimed at assessing patient’s satisfaction with new optimized conventional complete upper andlower dentures as compared to their previous problematic conventional dentures. A random sample ofpatients was selected (group 1). Each patient was provided with new optimized conventional upper and lowerdentures (group 2), then a subset who were not satisfied with the optimized lower prostheses were providedwith two implant-retained lower over-dentures (group 3). Self-assessment questionnaires were voluntarilyfilled by the participants. Male-female differences were assessed using the two independent samples t-test.Inter-group differences were evaluated using the two dependent samples t-test. Significant differences werefound between sexes in group 2, but not in group 3, in the direction of females being less satisfied than malesespecially with the lower denture, and between the groups in a number of variables in the direction of moresatisfaction with the lower dentures among group 3 as compared to group 2. Meanwhile, group 2 and 3 werefound to be equally satisfied with the upper denture.
Databáze: OpenAIRE