Stress and Coping Strategies in Parents of Children with Physical, Mental, and Hearing Disabilities in Jordan

Autor: Joseph A. Bawalsah
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: International Journal of Education. 8:1
ISSN: 1948-5476
DOI: 10.5296/ije.v8i1.8811
Popis: This research aimed to investigate levels of stress in parents of children with disabilities inJordan, and coping strategies they used to handle these stresses. An Arabic translation ofParental Stress Scale (Berry, & Jones, 1995) and Coping Strategies Inventory (Tobin, et al.,1989) were used on a sample of 134 parents of children with physical, mental, and hearingdisabilities enrolled in diurnal special education centers. The results indicted high levels ofstress experienced by parents of children with disabilities; Parents of children with physicaldisability tend to have the highest levels of stress, while parents of children with hearingimpairment have the lowest levels of stress. The results also showed that engagement copingstrategies were frequently more used in parents, with preference to use problem focusedengagement strategies more than emotion focused engagement strategies. In the other hand,fathers of children with disabilities preferred to use engagement strategies more likely thanmothers who preferred disengagement strategies. And finally, the results indicated highpositive and significant correlation and acceptable predictable relation between levels ofstress and coping strategies.
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