Spectrophotometric analysis of hydrazine sulfate and terephthalic acid in the coagulation bath and wash water of oksalon fibre

Autor: L. M. Levites, T. A. Romanova, M. G. Kuleshova
Rok vydání: 1980
Zdroj: Fibre Chemistry. 12:75-76
ISSN: 1573-8493
Popis: The important operations in the production of polyoxadiazole fibre include the control and purification of the wash water and coagulation bath both of which contain hydrazine sulfate and terephthalic acid. The literature contains information relating only to the analysis of the airborne hydrazine sulfate in the industrial premises. In the investigation reported in this article the writers used spectrophotometry to determine the content of hydrazine sulfate and terephthalic acid in the coagulation bath and wash water. The instrument used was an SF-16 spectrophotometer with a 1 cm deep layer in the cuvette.
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