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Alzheimer and Dementia were denoted as continuous decline of Brain functions. It particularly affects those who are in the age between 65 and more. The decline of brain functions cause sudden decline of memory Power, thought Process, using language skill and other learning capability. Proper treatment methods are unavailable for Alzheimer, but with certain medication the deterioration may be delayed. The 2011 population censes reads that there are 104 milions of old people and 53 million are female and 51 million are males. Between 1961 and 2011, the elderly population has increased extensively. The reason for this situation were continuously decreasing fertility rate and reduction in the mortality rate and finally due to development of health care system in India. The Population change leads to the change of fertility rate and mortality rate provide bulge in elderly generation as compared to younger ones. In India, this is very common in rural and urban areas. In State level data of elderly population kerala (12.6%), Goa (11.2%) and Tamilnadu (10.4%) takes first, second and third respectively. The simple reason was the good healthcare system available in the above said states. The Percentage of Alzheimer affected elders are anticipated from 8% to 19% in 2050. Certainly, therefore young India today will turn in to a rapidly ageing India in the coming decades. |