A Feasibility Study on a Small Sodium Cooled Reactor as a Diversified Power Source

Autor: Toshihiko Tanaka, Yoshiyuki Ohkubo, Toru Hori, Yoshio Shimakawa, Yasushi Okano, Yoshitaka Chikazawa
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 43:829-843
ISSN: 1881-1248
Popis: A conceptual design study of a small sized sodium cooled reactor with 165 MWe output with a metallic fuel, which aimed at the application for the diversified power supply has been carried out. A metal fuel core has been developed with 550°C core outlet temperature and 20 years core life time by utilizing the three zone core having different Zr contents in U-Pu-Zr of metal fuel. Major components in the nuclear steam supply system has been design and safety analyses has been performed to evaluate economical and safety potential of the concept. ATWS analyses show the passive safety feature of this concept adopting control rod driver-line (CRD) expansion reactivity and prolongation of electromagnetic pump (EMP) coastdown. Enhancing passive safety features, a improved upper inner structure enhancing CRD expansion and a reliable power source for EMP has been proposed. Though construction cost in first of a kind (FOAK) does not satisfy the economical goal, the present concept has potential for achieving the econ...
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