Scutellera perplexa

Autor: R��dei, D��vid, Tsai, Jing-Fu
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5879774
Popis: Scutellera perplexa (Westwood, 1837) (Figs. 18���23, 34���37, 44, 45, 49���51, 57���60, 67, 68) Cimex nobilis (non Linnaeus, 1763): Fabricius (1775: 697; 1794: 80). Misidentification (Westwood 1837: 4, Dallas 1851: 18). Tectocoris perplexa Westwood, 1837: 4. Proposed for Cimex nobilis (non Linnaeus, 1763): Fabricius (1775: 697; 1794: 80). Syntypes: Ind[ia] Orient[ali] [= East Indies]; OXUM?, ZMUC? (not found). Scutellera fasciata (non Panzer, 1798): Ahmad & Mushtaq (1977: 25, 30���37) and authors. Misidentification. Cimex nobilis (misidentification): Sulzer (1776a: 113, 114) (redescription,distribution), Sulzer (1776b:pl. XI fig.c) (redescription, habitus), Fabricius ([1782]: 338) (diagnosis, distribution), Herbst (1784: 255) (redescription, habitus, distribution), Fabricius (1787: 280) (diagnosis), Gmelin (1790: 2128) (diagnosis, distribution), Fabricius (1794: 80) (diagnosis, distribution), Lichtenstein (1796: 102) (listed), Panzer (1798: 106) (redescription, habitus), Wolff (1801a: 49) (redescription, habitus, distribution), Wolff (1801b: 49) (redescription, habitus, distribution), Turton (1802: 615) (diagnosis, distribution). Tetyra nobilis (misidentification): Fabricius (1803: 129) (diagnosis, distribution), Thunberg (1823: 5) (listed). Tectocoris nobilis (misidentification): Hahn (1836: 24) (redescription, habitus, record). Calliphara nobilis (misidentification): Germar (1839: 124) (redescription, distribution), Herrich-Sch��ffer (1839: 59) (in key), Herrich-Sch��ffer (1840: 73) (figures), Amyot & Serville (1843: 30) (redescription, distribution), Herrich-Sch��ffer (1853: 30) (listed, distribution). Philia nobilis (misidentification): Schi��dte (1843: 286) (diagnostic characters). Scutellera nobilis (misidentification): Lamarck (1801: 293) (listed), Latreille ([1804a]: 164) (diagnosis), Latreille ([1804b]: 177) (diagnosis, distribution), Lamarck (1816: 491) (diagnosis, distribution), Latreille (1819: 442) (diagnosis, distribution), LePeletier & Serville (1828: 410) (listed), Burmeister (1835: 395) (diagnosis, distribution), Spinola (1837: 378) (diagnostic characters), Blanchard (1840: 158) (redescription, habitus, distribution), Dallas (1851: 18) (records), Dohrn (1859: 2) (catalogue, distribution), Dohrn (1860: 399) (listed), Vollenhoven (1863:11) (redescription, records, distribution, variability), Mayr (1866: 22) (record, variability), Walker (1867: 15) (records), St��l (1873: 14) (listed, records, distribution), Distant (1879: 44) (listed), Mason (1882: 43) (distribution), Atkinson (1884: 165) (distribution), Atkinson (1887: 161) (redescription, interspecific variability, records, distribution), Lethierry (1891: 142) (record), Cotes (1896: 82) (record, host plant), Distant (1901: 100) (record), Distant (1902: 51) (diagnostic characters, variability, distribution), Claybrooke (1903: 133) (listed), Nic��ville (1903: 119) (figures of adult and preimaginal stages, host plant, economic importance, record, distribution), Schouteden (1904: 23) (catalogue, figure, distribution), Maxwell-Lefroy (1909a: 303) (records), Maxwell-Lefroy (1909b: 672) (habitus, figures of eggs and larvae, host plant), Distant (1918: 116) (synonymy), Bainbrigge Fletcher (1920: 250) (records, host plants), Singh-Pruthi (1925: 145) (male genitalia, figure), Reh (1932: 437) (host plant, phenology), Chatterjee (1934: 5, 28) (records, distribution, host plants), Hoffmann (1935: 31, 163, 181) (catalogue, distribution), Beeson (1941: 772) (host plants), Chandra (1953: 100) (records), Mathur et al. (1958: 88) (host plant, economic importance), Jande (1959: 215) (karyotype), Kumar (1965: 46) (male and female genitalia, figures), Baloch et al. (1968: 107) (host plant), Srivastava & Dogra (1969: 525) (anatomy), Takenouchi & Muramoto (1969: 10) (karyotype), Kavadia et al. (1971: 372) (host plant, economic importance, control), Nair (1975: 63, 101, 222) (host plants, economic importance), Ahmad & Mushtaq (1977: 25, 30) (habitus, figures, morphology), Mathur (1977: 9) (anatomy of nervous system), Ahmad et al. (1979: 30) (listed), Ueshima (1979: 75) (karyotype), Ahmad (1980: 134) (listed), Afzal et al. (1982: 378) (cladistics), Nuamah (1982: 16) (karyotype), Mall & Gupta (1983: 93) (physiology), Agarwal & Baijal (1984: 55) (figures, male genitalia), Datta et al. (1985: 21) (redescription, figure, distribution), Nair (1986: 71, 109, 221) (host plants, economic importance), Afzal & Sahibzada (1988: 254) (morphology), Ghosh et al. (1994: 495, 498) (listed, diagnosis, figure, records, distribution, habitat), Meshram & Garg (1999: 536) (record, host plant, economic importance), Hua (2000: 169) (listed, distribution), Chakraborty (2004: 169) (listed), Khokhar & Khokhar (2004: 218) (redescription, habitus, host plant, record), Manoharan et al. (2006: 67) (photo, records, host plants, economic importance, parasitoids), Ambika et al. (2007: 370) (host plant, economic importance, development, economic importance, control), Biswas & Bal (2007: 301, 304) (listed, diagnostic characters, record, distribution), Chandra (2008: 142, 152) (listed, diagnosis, record, distribution), Ghosh (2008: 417) (diagnosis, figure, photo, host plant, economic importance, control, distribution), Prabhakar et al. (2008: 84) (diagnostic characters, phenology, bionomics, economic importance, distribution), Kulkarni et al. (2009: 126) (record, host plant), Aland et al. (2010: 463) (listed, photo), Biswas & Bal (2010: 230, 241) (listed, diagnosis, record, distribution), Chandra et al. (2010: 43) (record), Divakara et al. (2010: 738) (host plant, economic importance), Kumar & Naidu (2010: 62) (listed), Patel & Borad (2010: 800) (host plant, control), Ranga Rao et al. (2010: 11) (diagnostic characters, photos, host plants, life history, economic importance), Sharma & Srivastava (2010: 1116) (host plant, economic importance, control), Rajmohana et al. (2011: 106) (parasitoid), Regupathy & Ayyasamy (2011: 169) (host plant, economic importance), Sharma & Srivastava (2011: 89) (host plant, economic importance), Tara et al. (2011: 223) (listed), Anitha & Varaprasad (2012: 190) (distribution, host plant, bionomics, economic importance, control), Chandra & Kushwaha (2012: 103) (record, photo), Chandra et al. (2012: 159) (listed), Terren et al. (2012: 226) (host plant, economic importance), Sanyal et al. (2012: 656) (distribution), Sharma & Srivastava (2012: 74) (host plant, economic importance, oviposition, development, growth), Wu et al. (2012: 25) (listed), Becker et al. (2013: 240) (host plant, economic importance), Datinton et al. (2013: 104) (host plant, economic importance), Francis et al. (2013: 400) (host plant, economic importance), Habou et al. (2013: 606, 608) (host plant, economic importance), L��pez-Guill��n et al. (2013: 4, 6, 15, 16) (host plant, economic importance, natural enemies), Martin et al. (2013: 2) (host plant, economic importance), Singh et al. (2013: 199) (host plant, economic importance), Alonso & Lezcano (2014: 8) (host plant, economic importance), Babu & Livingstone (2014: 1813) (mtDNA-COI sequences), Kumar & Singh (2014: 72) (host plant), Rashid et al. (2014: 45) (host plant, economic importance), Djimmy & Nacro (2015: 1525) (host plant, economic importance), Alamu et al. (2016: 82) (host plant, economic importance), Nerlekar & Rajmohana (2016: 8737) (host plant, economic importance, natural enemy), Nikam & More (2016: 210) (listed), Tekam et al. (2018: 962) (host plant, economic importance), Pathan et al. (2019: 408) (diagnostic characters, photos, record, host plant, economic importance), Neupane et al. (2021: 7) (host plant, economic importance). Scutelera [inadvertent error] nobilis (misidentification): Ahmad et al. (1979: 47) (listed). Scutellera noblis [inadvertent error] (misidentification): Ahmad et al. (1979: 35) (records, host plants, phenology, habitus). Scutellera norrbilis [inadvertent error] (misidentification): Chakraborty et al. (1994: 473) (listed). Scutellera nobiles [inadvertent error] (misidentification): Hedge (1995: 17) (diagnosis, distribution). Callidea perplexa: Kirby (1891: 75) (record, distribution, variability). Scutellera perplexa: Lethierry & Severin (1893: 269) (catalogue, distribution), Breddin (1909: 258) (record, comparison with S. brevirostris), Kirkaldy (1909: 304, 380) (catalogue, distribution, host plants), Kirkaldy (1910: 109) (record), Bergroth (1915: 171) (listed), Hoffmann (1932a: 10) (listed), Tang (1935: 282) (catalogue, distribution), Ebeling (1950: 536, 554) (host plant, economic importance), Manna (1951: 6, 41) (record, host plant, karyotype), Manna (1958: 921) (karyotype), Stichel (1961: 728) (catalogue, distribution), Kumar (1962: 46, 53) (morphology, male and female genitalia, figures), Stichel (1962: 208) (catalogue, distribution), Sienkiewicz (1964: 114) (records), Baloch et al. (1968: 107) (host plant), Hsiao & Cheng (1977: 61) (in key, redescription, figure, photo, host plant, distribution), Nuamah (1982: 16) (karyotype), Wu (1984: 31) (distribution, host plants), Chen et al. (1985: 46) (host plants, distribution), Jiang (1985: 56) (distribution, host plants), Zhang et al. (1987: 117) (in key, host plants, distribution), Yang (1988: 101) (redescription, host plants, economic importance), Chen & Yang (1989: 46) (economic importance, distribution), Hua (1989: 43) (listed), Li et al. (1989: 38) (listed), Chen (1990: 154) (listed), Yang (1993: 211) (listed), Yu & Sun (1993: 77) (redescription, host plants, records), Zhang et al. (1994: 65) (distribution, host plants), Li et al. (1997: 44, 65, 144) (listed, host plants, distribution), Lin et al. (1999: 47) (redescription, habitus, distribution, host plants), Chen & Gu (2000: 53) (listed), Hua (2000: 169) (listed, distribution, host plants), Javahery et al. (2000: 491) (distribution, host plants, economic importance, control), Zhang & Chen (2003: 685) (listed, host plant), G��llner-Scheiding (2006: 200) (catalogue, distribution), Ou et al. (2006: 24) (listed), Shi & Xu (2006: 36) (host plant, in key), Wen & Yang (2007: 153) (listed, host plants), Yang (2007: 138) (host plants, economic importance), Chen et al. (2008: 106) (listed), Grazia et al. (2008: 936) (listed), Huang & Song (2008: 117) (records, host plant, economic importance), Parveen et al. (2010: 401) (redescription, photos, description, figures and photos of preimaginal stages, bionomics, phenology, development, host plant, economic importance), Tara & Sharma (2010a: 74) (diagnosis, photo, distribution, host plants, economic importance), Tara & Sharma (2010b: 266, 268) (host plant, diagnosis, economic importance), Sahai et al. (2011: 4684) (record, photos, description and photos of preimaginal stages, bionomics, phenology, development, host plant, economic importance), Tsai et al. (2011: 154) (diagnostic characters), Aland (2014: 90) (host plant, bionomics), Chandra et al. (2014: 200) (record, photo), Kumar & Singh (2014: 72) (host plant), Parveen et al. (2014: 237, 251) (record, morphology, figures), J.P. Singh et al. (2014: 265) (photo, record, host plant), K. Singh et al. (2014: 358) (photo, record, host plant, economic importance), Onkar & Nerlekar (2015: 179) (record, photo of 5th instar larvae, host plant), Singh & Kaur (2015: 90) (diagnosis, photos of adults and immatures, record, development, host plants, economic importance), Cai & Cui (2017: 622) (redescription, habitus, host plants, distribution), Sheikh & Iqbal (2017: 80) (diagnostic characters, photo, record, distribution), Jamwal et al. (2020: 154) (redescription and photos of adult and immatures, development, behaviour, host plant, economic importance, distribution), Neupane et al. (2021: 7) (host plant, economic importance). Scutellera perplex [inadvertent error]: Yang (1934: 257) (diagnostic characters, figure, records, distribution), Yang (1962: 23, 28) (in key, redescription, host plant, records, distribution), Yang & Wu (1981: 74) (host plants, distribution), Zhang et al. (1985: 11) (record, distribution), Chen (1987: 127) (redescription, habitus, distribution), Shen (1993: 32) (listed, host plants), Shen et al. (2014: 329) (listed, distribution), Bhagat (2015: 132) (host plant, economic importance). Scutellera perflexa [inadvertent error]: Goel (1972: 169) (unguitractor plate). Scutellera preplexa [inadvertent error]: Ueshima (1979: 75) (karyotype). Scutelleria [inadvertent error] perplexa: Hilgendorf & Goeden (1982: 149) (host plant, distribution). Scutella [inadvertent error] perplexa: Zhang (1985: 42) (distribution), Zhang (1986: 74) (distribution), Chen & Yang (1988: 89) (listed). Scutella [inadvertent error] perplex [inadvertent error]: Bhagat (2015: 129) (listed, distribution). Scutllera [inadvertent error] perplexa: He et al. (2010: 14) (host plant, distribution). Scutellera fasciata (misidentification): Mushtaq et al. (1975: 45) (preimaginal stages), Ahmad & Mushtaq (1977: 25, 30) (listed, habitus, figures, morphology), Ahmad & Moizuddin (1978: 95) (descriptions and figures of preimaginal stages, host plant, economic importance), Ahmad et al. (1979: 30, 35) (listed, record, host plant, phenology), Ahmad (1980: 134) (listed), Ahmad & Moizuddin (1980: 198) (anatomy), Moizuddin & Ahmad (1980: 19) (record, host plant, anatomy), Moizuddin & Ahmad (1981: 63) (anatomy), Afzal et al. (1982: 378) (cladistics), Javahery et al. (2000: 491) (host plant, economic importance). Diagnosis. Highly similar to S. nepalensis, the morphology of the exoskeleton is virtually identical in the two species. The dorsal markings of S. perplexa are highly variable (Figs. 18, 20, 22) but even in extreme cases the paired, obliquely transverse fasciae anteriad and posteriad of the middle of scutellum do not join the median vitta to form an extensive, confluent pattern as in S. nepalensis (Figs. 1, 2, 11, 12, 15). The two species are most reliably separated by the genitalia as it is explained under the Diagnosis of S. nepalensis. Redescription. Colour. Dorsum bright metallic blue-green, with complex black markings (Figs. 18, 20) which might be reduced or completely lacking (Fig. 22); head uniformly metallic blue-green, without black markings except of a pair of narrow, linear, parallel vittae margining clypeus and extending to base of head; scape orange to red with a narrow black annulus apically, pedicel and flagellum black; labium orange to reddish, segment III darkened, segment IV black; pronotum broadly margined with orange or red laterally, cicatrices narrowly bordered by black, a broad median vitta, a pair of small, oval submedian spots and a pair of small humeral spots on posterior lobe black; scutellum with a median vitta from its base to about its basal half, gradually tapering posteriad, with a pair of rounded spots at posterior part of basal tumescence, a pair of oval submedian spots anteriad and another pair posteriad to middle, invariably separated from median vitta, a pair of small marginal spots at middle, and a large subapical spot black; exposed portion of fore wing black, its base marginally orange; venter of head, thorax and abdomen as described in S. nepalensis. Morphology of the exoskeleton as in S. nepalensis. External male genitalia (Figs. 26, 27, 34���37, 44, 45, 49���51). Genital capsule (Figs. 26, 27, 34) subrectangular, boadly transversely truncate posteriorly in dorsal view, minute submedian denticles on posterior margin broadly separated, lateral margin (ventral rim) not emarginate and lacking distinct tubercles; infolding of ventral rim conspicuously bulging laterally, without distinct ridge along meson. Paramere (Figs. 35���37) similar to that of S. nepalensis but crown more strongly curved, its distal portion almost perpendicular to axis of stem. Phallus (repose: Figs. 44, 45, 51; inflated: Figs. 49, 50): second conjunctival processes with a large, flap-like lateral lobe (cp-II 1) with its ventral portion provided with several minute denticles, and with a mesal lobe (cp-II 2) terminating in a relatively long, claw-shaped sclerotized process; third conjunctival processes (cp-III) long, gradually tapering towards apex but distalmost portion again broadened; distal portion of aedeagus s. str. and phallotreme narrow. External female genitalia (Figs. 57���60, 67, 68). Ovipositor (Figs. 57���60). Laterotergites VIII flat, not protruding posteriad; laterotergites IX rather broadly rounded distally, closely approaching each other or adjacent along midline, greatly covering sternite X and median part of fused valvifers IX. Gynatrium (Fig. 67) with ring sclerites rather broadly separated from apex of anterolateral pouch proximally; a pair of small sclerites posteriad of spermathecal opening. Spermatheca: proximal duct slightly longer than distal duct and longitudinal diameter of dilation. Measurements (in mm). Body length to apex of scutellum 16.0���20.5; length of head 3.50���3.75, width across eyes 3.75���4.30, interocular distance 2.60���3.05; lengths of scape 1.00���1.13: basipedicellite 0.73���0.88: distipedicellite 1.85���1.90: basiflagellum 2.30���2.60: distiflagellum 2.25���2.55; median length of pronotum 3.95���5.20, humeral width 6.80���8.65; length of scutellum 10.0���13.2, greatest width 5.95���7.70. Intraspecific variability. The black markings of the dorsum are strongly variable, individuals lacking any markings (Figs. 22, 23), others with extensive markings (Fig. 18���21), and various transitional forms exist. Individuals with strongly reduced or absent black markings are most common in the Malabar Subregion and Sri Lanka. Preimaginal stages. Descriptions, figures or photos of the egg batch and different larval instars were presented by Nic��ville (1903), Ahmad & Moizuddin (1978) (misidentified as S. fasciata), Parveen et al. (2010), J.P. Singh et al. (2014), K. Singh et al. (2014), Onkar & Nerlekar (2015), Singh & Kaur (2015) and Jamwal et al. (2020). Karyotype. 10+XY (Manna 1951, Jande 1959). Detailed description and figures were presented by Manna (1951). Bionomics, economic importance. The species was recorded (partly as S. nobilis) from the jujube species Ziziphus nummularia (Burm.f.) Wight & Arn. (as S. fasciata, misidentification) and Z. jujuba (Burm.f.) Wight & Arn. (both Rhamnaceae), neem, Azadirachta indica A.Juss. (Meliaceae) (Ahmad et al. 1979, as S. nobilis and S. fasciata, misidentification), and on Xanthium str
Published as part of R��dei, D��vid & Tsai, Jing-Fu, 2022, A revision of Scutellera (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Scutelleridae), pp. 1-40 in Zootaxa 5092 (1) on pages 17-24, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5092.1.1,
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(1853) Alphabetisch synonymisches Verzeichniss der wanzenartigen Insecten nebst historischer Uebersicht der einschlagigen Literatur. In: Die Wanzenartigen Insecten. Getreu nach der Natur abgebildet und beschrieben. Neunter Band. Lotzbeck, Nurnberg, pp. 1 - 210. [pp. 1 - 104 and 105 - 210 issued separately]", "Schiodte, J. C. (1843) Revisio critica specierum generis Tetyrae Fabricii, quarum exstant in Museo Regio Hafniensi exempla typica. Naturhistorisk Tidskrift, 4 (1 - 2), 279 - 312.", "Lamarck, J. B. (1801) Systeme des animaux sans vertebres, ou tableau general des classes, des ordres et des genres de ces animaux; presentant leurs characteres essentiels et leur distribution, d'apres la consideration de leurs rapports naturels et de leur organisation, et suivant l'arrangement etabli dans les galeries du Museum d'Hist. Naturelle, parmi leurs depouilles conservees; precede du discours d'ouverture du Cours de Zoologie, donne dans le Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle l'an 8 de la Republique. Deterville, Paris, viii + 432 pp.", "Lamarck, J. B. (1816) Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebres, presentant les caracteres generaux et particuliers de ces animaux, leur distribution, leurs classes, leurs familles, leurs genres, et la citation des principales especes qui s'y rapportent. Tome troisieme. Verdiere, Paris, 586 pp.", "Latreille, P. A. (1819) Scutellere, Scutellera. In: Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle appliquee aux arts, a l'agriculture, a l'economie rurale et domestique, a la medecine, etc. par une societe de naturalistes et d'agriculteurs: nouvelle edition presqu'entierement refondue et considerablement augmentee; avec des figures tirees des trois regnes de la nature. Tome XXX. Deterville, Paris, pp. 441 - 443.", "Burmeister, H. C. C. (1835) Handbuch der Entomologie. Zweiter Band, besondere Entomologie. Erste Abtheilung, Schnabelkerfe, Rhynchota. Enslin, Berlin, IV + 400 pp.", "Spinola, M. (1837) Essai sur les genres d'insectes appartenants a l'ordre des Hemipteres, Lin. ou Rhyngotes, Fab. et a la section des Heteropteres, Dufour. Y. Graviers, Genes [Genova], 383 pp., 5 foldouts. [reprinted with identical pagination as Essai sur les insectes Hemipteres, Rhyngotes, ou Heteropteres, by Bailliere, Paris, in 1840]", "Blanchard, E. (1840) Histoire naturelle des insectes. Orthopteres, Nevropteres, Hemipteres, Hymenopteres, Lepidopteres et Dipteres. Tome troisieme. Dumenil, Paris, 672 pp., 11 + 5 + 15 + 7 + 29 + 4 pls.", "Dohrn, A. (1859) Catalogus Hemipterorum. Herrcke & Lebeling, Stettin, 112 pp.", "Dohrn, A. (1860) Zur Heteropteren-Fauna Ceylon's. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung, 21 (7 - 9), 399 - 409.", "Vollenhoven, S. C. S. van (1863) Essai d'une faune entomologique de l'Archipel Indo-Neerlandais. Premiere monographie: Famille des Scutellerides. Martinus Nijhoff, La Haye, 60 pp., IV pls.", "Mayr, G. L. (1866) Hemiptera. In: Reise der Osterreichischen Freggate Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859. Zoologischer Teil, Bd. II, Abth. 1. Karl Gerold's Sohn, Wien, 204 pp., 5 pls.", "Walker, F. (1867) Catalogue of the specimens of Heteropterous-Hemiptera in the collection of the British Museum. Part I. Scutata. Trustees of the British Museum, London, 240 pp.", "Stal, C. (1873) Enumeratio Hemipterorum. Bidrag till en forteckning ofver alla hittills kanda Hemiptera, jemte systematiska meddelanden. 3. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar Neue Folge, 11 (2), 1 - 163.", "Distant, W. L. (1879) Hemiptera from the North-eastern frontier of India. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 5, 3 (13), 44 - 53.", "Mason, F. (1882) Burma, its people and productions; or, notes on the fauna, flora and minerals of Tenasserim, Pegu and Burma. Vol. I. Geology, mineralogy and zoology. Rewritten and enlarged by W. Theobald. Stephen Austin and Sons, Hertford, xxv + 560 pp.", "Atkinson, E. T. (1884) The Himalayan districts of the North-Western Provinces of India. Vol. II. (Volume X of Statistical, descriptive and historical account of the North-Western Provinces of India.) North-Western Provinces and Oudh Government Press, Allahabad, xviii + 964 pp., 2 maps.", "Atkinson, E. T. (1887) Notes on Indian Rhynchota, Heteroptera. No. 2. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 56 (2), 145 - 205.", "Lethierry, L. (1891) Note sur les Hemipteres du Bengale. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, 35, cxli - cxlv.", "Cotes, E. C. (1896) Miscellaneous notes from the entomology section. Indian Museum Notes, 3 (5), 39 - 84.", "Distant, W. L. (1901) Enumeration of the Heteroptera (Rhynchota) collected by Signor Leonardo Fea in Burma and its vicinity. Part I. Family Pentatomidae. Transacions of the Entomological Society of London, 1901 (1), 99 - 114.", "Distant, W. L. (1902) The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. Vol. 1. Heteroptera. Taylor & Francis, London, xxxviii + 438 pp.", "Claybrooke, M. J. (1903) Note sur quelques insects du Tonkin provenant des environs de Hanoi. Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, 9 (3), 132 - 133.", "Niceville, L. de (1903) Insect pests of fruit trees. Indian Museum Notes, 5 (3), 117 - 127, 1 pl.", "Schouteden, H. (1904) Heteroptera, fam. Pentatomidae, subfam. Scutellerinae. Genera Insectorum. Fasc. 24. Verteneuil & Desmet, Bruxelles, 98 pp., 5 pls.", "Maxwell-Lefroy, H. (1909 a) The insect fauna of Tirhut. I. - Rhynchota Heteroptera. Records of the Indian Museum, 3, 301 - 338.", "Maxwell-Lefroy, H. (1909 b) Indian Insect Life. A manual of the insects of the plains (tropical India). Thacker and Spink, Calcutta, xii + 786 pp., LXXXIV pls.", "Distant, W. L. (1918) The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Rhynchota. Vol. VII. Homoptera: Appendix. Heteroptera: Addenda. Taylor & Francis, London, viii + 210 pp.", "Bainbrigge Fletcher, T. (1920) Annotated list of Indian crop-pests. In: Bainbrigge Fletcher, T. (Ed.), Report of the proceedings of the Third Entomological Meeting held at Pusa on the 3 rd to 15 th February 1919. Vol. I. Superintendent Government Printing, Calcutta, pp. 33 - 314.", "Singh-Pruthi, H. (1925) The morphology of the male genitalia in Rhynchota. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1925 (1 - 2), 127 - 267, pls. VI - XXXII.", "Reh, L. (Ed.) (1932) Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. Funfter Band. Tierische Schadlinge an Nutzpflanzen. Zweiter Teil. Vierte, neubearbeitete Auflage. Paul Parey, Berlin, XVI + 1032 pp.", "Chatterjee, N. C. (1934) Entomological investigations on the spike disease of sandal (24). Pentatomidae (Hemipt.). Indian Forest Records, 20 (9), 1 - 31.", "Hoffmann, W. E. (1935) An abridged catalogue of certain Scutelleroidea (Plataspidae, Scutelleridae, and Pentatomidae) of China, Chosen, Indo-China, and Taiwan. Lignan University Science Bulletin, 7, 1 - 294.", "Beeson, C. F. C. (1941) The ecology and control of forest insects of India and the neighbouring countries. Vasant Press, Dehra Dun, ii + 1007 pp.", "Chandra, A. (1953) Order Hemiptera (in part). Family Pentatomidae. In: Roonwal, M. L., Mathur, R. N., Bhasin, G. D., Singh, B., Pant, G. D., Chandra, A., Katiyar, K. N. & Mathur, R. K., A systematic catalogue of the main identified entomological collection at the Forest Research Institute, Dehra Dun. Parts 9 - 21. Orders Isoptera, Embioptera, Psocoptera, Anoplura, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Thysanoptera and Hemiptera. Government of India Press, Calcutta, pp. 83 - 102.", "Mathur, R. N., Singh, B. & Lal, K. (1958) Insect pests of flowers, seeds and fruits of forest trees. Indian Forest Bulletin, New Series, 223, 1 - 105.", "Jande, S. S. (1959) Chromosome number and sex mechanism in twenty-seven species of Indian Heteroptera. Research Bulletin of the Panjab University, New Series, 10 (2), 215 - 217.", "Kumar, R. (1965) Contributions to the morphology and relationships of Pentatomoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Part I. Scutelleridae. Journal of the Entomological Society of Queensland, 4, 41 - 55.", "Baloch, G. M., Mohyuddin, A. I. & Ghani, M. A. (1968) Xanthium strumarium L. - insects and other organisms associated with it in West Pakistan. Commonwealth Institute Biological Control Technical Bulletin, 10, 103 - 111.", "Srivastava, R. C. & Dogra, G. S. (1969) Studies on the neurosecretory system of the bug, Scutellera nobilis Fabr. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), with reference to the material in the aortal wall. Anatomischer Anzeiger, 125 (5), 525 - 534.", "Takenouchi, Y. & Muramoto, N. (1969) Chromosome numbers of Heteroptera. Journal of Hokkaido University of Education, Section II, B, 20 (1), 1 - 15.", "Kavadia, V. S., Verma, S. K., Jain, P. C. & Gupta, H. C. L. (1971) Relative toxicity of some insecticides to Scutellera nobilis Fabr. (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Indian Journal of Entomology, 33 (3), 372 - 373.", "Nair, M. R. G. K. (1975) Insects and mites of crops in India. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, vii + 404 + [1] pp.", "Mathur, L. M. L. (1977) Gross anatomy of the nervous system of Scutellera nobilis Fabr. (Heteroptera: Pentadomidae [sic]). Zoologische Beitrage, Neue Folge, 23 (1), 9 - 19.", "Ahmad, I., Moizuddin, M. & Khan, A. A. (1979) Generic and supergeneric keys with reference to a check list of lower pentatomoid fauna of Pakistan (Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea) with notes on their distribution and food plants. Supplement of the Entomological Society of Karachi, 4 (4), 1 - 50.", "Ueshima, N. (1979) Hemiptera II: Heteroptera. Animal cytogenetics. Vol. 3. Insecta 6. Gebruder Borntraeger, Berlin & Stuttgart, 117 pp.", "Afzal, M., Shaukat, S. S. & Ahmad, I. (1982) Taxometric study of the family Scutelleridae Leach (Hemiptera: Pentatomoidea) from Pakistan. Oriental Insects, 16 (3), 373 - 383.", "Nuamah, K. A. (1982) Karyotypes of some Ghanaian shield-bugs and the higher systematics of the Pentatomoidea (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Insect Science and its Application, 3 (1), 9 - 28.", "Mall, S. B. & Gupta, G. S. (1983) Changes in the differential haemocyte counts of Scutellera nobilis (Fabr.) related to metamorphosis and reproduction. Journal of Animal Morphology and Physiology, 30 (1 - 2), 93 - 100. [not seen]", "Agarwal, S. B. & Baijal, H. N. (1984) Morphology of male genitalia of Scutellerinae and Pentatominae (Heteroptera) with remarks on inter-relationship within the family Pentatomidae. Journal of Entomological Research, 8 (1), 53 - 60.", "Datta, B., Ghosh, L. K. & Dhar, M. (1985) Study on Indian Pentatomoidea (Heteroptera: Insecta). Records of the Zoological Survey of India, Miscellaneous Publication, Occasional Paper 80. Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta, 43 pp.", "Nair, M. R. G. K. (1986) Insect and mites of crops in India. (Revised edition.) Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, [vii] + 408 pp. [1995 reprint seen]", "Afzal, M. & Sahibzada, S. S. (1988) Comparative studies of pterothoracic sclerites of some pentatomid bugs of Pakistan (Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Biologia, Lahore, 34 (2), 249 - 256.", "Ghosh, M., Datta, B. & Ghosh, L. K. (1994) Insecta: Hemiptera: Pentatomoidea - II. In: Ghosh, A. K. (Ed.), Fauna of West Bengal. Part 5. (Insecta: Hemiptera). Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta, pp. 495 - 509.", "Meshram, P. B. & Garg, V. K. (1999) A report on the occurrence of Scutellera nobilis Fab. on Emblica officinalis Gaertn. Indian Forester, 125 (5), 536.", "Hua, L. Z. (2000) List of Chinese insects. Vol. I. Zhongshan University Press, Guangzhou, 2 + 7 + 448 pp.", "Chakraborty, S. P. (2004) Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea. In: Alfred, R. J. B. 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